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HTH 300: Inquiry into Practice I

Final Product

In this course, students explore various research methodologies, and draw upon relevant research and craft knowledge to design an inquiry/improvement project with the aim of creating more equitable, engaging environments for young people and adults. In the process, they engage with colleagues and students, as both research participants and potential collaborators, to develop a shared vision for the work ahead and to more fully understand the systems/contexts in which they work. Emphasis will be placed on synthesizing research/theory, connecting it to practice, and using both to craft a “theory of action.” In addition, this course will explore ethics in participatory research and strategies for recording, organizing, and analyzing various types of data.



  • How can we draw on relevant research and craft knowledge to design an inquiry/ improvement project with the aim of creating more equitable, engaging environments for young people and adults?


  • How can we thoughtfully engage colleagues and students in our setting, as collaborators and participants, in the design and implementation of this work?










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